You decided it was time to buy a laptop, but are you confused by the various offers you find in stores?
You do not have to panic. Just think about what you want to use your laptop for and then analyze the available offers according to the technical specifications, design and essential information you can find out from reviews.
Let’s say from the very beginning that in this article we will only refer to laptops with a diagonal of at least 14 “, whose primary purpose is the use of desktop replacement, but which may occasionally be used on the move as well.
If your budget is too small to buy a new laptop, you can also turn your attention to the second-hand laptop market.
However, let’s go back to the criteria you need to consider when buying a laptop.
Screen Diagonal
Regardless of the screen diagonal, you need to pay close attention to its performance. The most common resolution is still 1366 × 768 pixels, but many models are offering 1600 × 900 pixels resolution even at decent prices.
Also, do not forget other important aspects of the screen, such as viewing angles (to use the notebook in as many positions as possible), brightness (to know if it is also easy to use in the open air) or contrast (which also determines the quality of the displayed colours).
It is best to test a laptop before purchasing to avoid unpleasant surprises from these points of view.
With Windows 8, touchscreen laptops also appeared on the market, but these are quite difficult to use in this way because you have to sit up permanently with your hand on the display.
Therefore, the existence or not of the touchscreen should not influence your final decision.
Screen performance plays an important role in choosing a laptop
Then, depending on your preferences, you can choose:
1) 14.1″ Diagonal Display – 15.6″
Undoubtedly, the 15.6 “diagonal laptops are the oldest portable class and therefore enjoy a very generous offer, especially as it provides manufacturers with an optimal space for hardware and cooling systems.
In addition, there are also 14.1 “diagonal laptops that practically fall between 13.3” ultraportables and 15.6 “classical notebooks. Read here.
Such a laptop is right for you if you need a computer to use at home, but you need to be able to carry it with you quite easily.
Typically, such laptops are the ideal compromise between an ultraportable and a replacement desktop.
2) Diagonal Display over 16″
Laptops with diagonal 16″ and over are regarded as a desktop replacement. This segment fits you in case you want to get rid of your desktop and many office cables in favour of a laptop that occupies much less space and less noise.
The advantage is that you can also opt for powerful state-of-the-art components, so you do not have to rebate performance.
However, choose with great care: such a laptop weighs over 3 kg, and it is not practical to use it as portable.

Technical Equipment
If you have a choice of computers on each component, when it comes to laptops, you have to choose the one with the most appropriate and closest configuration to your needs.
The motherboard, essential for the desktop, is also relevant here, but the primary choice you need to do is the processor and video card.
So, if you have a small budget and you are looking for a computer that you use mainly for browsing, music, movies and Office programs, a dual-core processor from Intel Celeron and Intel Pentium is one of the best solutions.
However, depending on the budget, you can also choose the Intel Core processor family, now the fourth generation, also known as the Intel Haswell code, but there are still the Intel Ivy Bridge processors on the market.
Here, the Intel Core i3 dual-core processors are designed for less demanding users, while the Intel Core i5 dual-core and quad-core processors can also be used for more demanding games.
Intel Core i7 processors, available only in quad-core variants, are designed for top-class laptops, but they are priced.
Useful website:
Hardware Components Greatly Determine the Performance of Your Laptop
All Intel Ivy Bridge and Intel Haswell processors have integrated video cards, and especially those available on the latest generation are powerful enough for some older games.
However, if you want to play recent titles with the highest level of detail, it’s essential to choose a laptop with the dedicated video card.
Featured Image Source: Pixabay